East coast travel - Reisverslag uit New York, Verenigde Staten van karlijn heijde - WaarBenJij.nu East coast travel - Reisverslag uit New York, Verenigde Staten van karlijn heijde - WaarBenJij.nu

East coast travel

Door: karlijn de heijde

Blijf op de hoogte en volg karlijn

20 Augustus 2014 | Verenigde Staten, New York

Hoi, ik begrijp waarbenjij.nu niet, kan mn tekst hier niet in voegen: dus lees mn reactie hieronder.

  • 21 Augustus 2014 - 05:46


    Hoi meisje, Leuk verhaal, dat waten al leuke en drukke weken en ervaringen. Noud is al thuis; mooie foto's zeg. Nou nog even en dan aan de studie. Dikke kus pap

  • 28 Augustus 2014 - 23:59


    Hoi Karlijn, wat een leuk verhaal....en wat schrijf je dat leuk op. Ik kijk uit naar het vervolg....liefs x

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Verslag uit: Verenigde Staten, New York

East coast

Hi y'all,

I promised to write a lot sooner, but hey I can't help it there is so much to see and so much to do around here. So I'll just write right now about the last 3 weeks in the USA. And i hope you still like me.

Day 1: we arrived in around 12.30 pm with no sleep, awesome but we had only 2 days in NYC so we just got into the city. We saw the highline, broadway, times square, the empire state building and the public library. When we stood in line for the empire state building rooftop we met a dutch guy telling us he got a gun to his face his first day in brooklyn, NYC, so that kind of made me scared so we didn't go there. Day 2: we went to central park, museum of history, MET, Ground zero, grand central, wall street, brooklyn bridge. NYC was awesome just a little bit big my feet were quite death. Day 3 we took the bus to Boston, walked the black heritage trail, went to quincy market got some food there, and in the evening we walked a movie in the hostel, finally some rest. Day 4: we walked the freedom trail, went to harvard and went to the boston tea party ships. Day 5: Not too much, a little bit of shopping (all start only 35 euro, happy me), we walked along the riverside and saw the public library. Boston is nice, lots of history, but not spectacular. Day 6: Then we took the bus to washington DC (night bus, no sleep, sad me), DC is Awesome! First day was a busy one, visited: the capitol, supreme court, jefferson library, museum of natural history, museum of american history, white house, washington monument, lincoln memorial, vietnam memorial, WWII memorial, reflection pool. Day 7: vistied the rooseveldt, martin luther king and jefferson memorial and spent lots of time in the museum of air & space. Day 8: Free zoo :) :) and georgetown (best cupcakes ever) getting fat right now. DC is really nice a lot to do and we had the best hostel ever with a lot of nice people and fun events. Day 9: We rented a car, had lots of problem with creditcard limits (sucks stupid hate it), but hey we got a car (a nice big american car)(and I had to be the driver because you have to be 21, sucks because noud was sleeping all the time (don't deny)) we drove to a little historical town: williamsburg it was very cute and they made it look-a-like the old days. Day 10: drove to virginia beach, when we arrived there were some weird people that painted there bodies red/blue fighting on the beach kind of fun, there was a nice fishing pier but it was kind of weird there were thousands of people but only about 2 normal restaurants and they were empty, they only went to mcdonalds and other fastfood reastaurants. (and yes those americans are really really fat). Day 11: sucks, had to bring the car back to DC, catch a flight from DC to Charleston (with a transfer in chicago, WHY? the total opposite way) so whole day ruined but oke. flight was delayed 2 hours or something too, so we arrived at 2 AM, and slept(not really) 6 hours on the airport in charleston because there was no public transport during nighttimes. Day 12: Visited Charleston, very cute, loved it. just walked around. Day 13: not much just walked around and travelled by bus from charleston to savannah and yes bus was delayed again. Day 14: Shooting some guns, awesome!! after that we went to a little lake, had no idea where we were but some guy with a beer in his hands convinced us in swimming there. when we got out of the water, we were just sitting at the lake side, we saw a very big crocodile!! (ok, it was an alligator, still not convinced with the difference, it was at least 2 meters). Day 15: oh yeah forgot to tell y'all we rented a car again, that's how we got to the lake, so this day we drove in to the county to waterfalls, there were some really pretty ones! ( this day we planned to spent in charlotte but when we arrived there we found out this city really sucks so spend there only 30 minutes). Day 16: We went to Atlanta, not that nice, but ok we were to lazy to go anywhere else, (they had the martin luther king house, that was nice, but maybe it was kind of weird visiting it as a white person). Day 17: drove to driftwood beach, jekkyl Island, really nice beach! with lots of driftwood, the water is not so nice, but I don't like swimming anyway. Day 18: got back into savannah, had to bring the car back, walked around town, nice city! visited the Forrest Gump bench (well there is no bench, but the spot where it was) and other nice streets and historical sites. This city has the best trees ever. Day 19: Went to the Wormsloe Plantation (there was no public transport, well we could take a bus that was a little bit close but still had to walk a least 30 minutes), we where probably the only people without a car. yeah all americans have cars, I would too, gas is really cheap, but fast food + no walking/cycling would mean = Fat karlijn. so better not. But wormsloe was nice, nice driveway, and there were rabbits loved them but they didn't love me. and it was kind of scary because there were only a few people and lots of trees and bushes and it looked like every minute there could jump a bear out of these bushes. but that didn't happen just two little Bambi's and some kind of beaver/dog animal thing. Day 20: bus from Savannah to miami really sucked, first bus was delayed, so we mist our transfer to the second bus had to wait couple hours, so no sleep all night. and got into miami in the afternoon instead of in the morning. but we met a nice girl and spent the evening with here, ate at a restaurant together (se was from ukraine, and se ate sometimes she said, when se had time, so maybe once a week or so, a little bit weird? hope she doesn't read this) Day 21: went to miami beach, little havana and downtown miami, miami is awesome a little bit hot though in August but yes we did knew that. but we couldn't skip miami on our east coast trip. Day 22: last day in miami just relaxed in the bay front beach park. (so, we saw lots of fat people in the USA, but not in miami). (an other weird thing, the two days we were in miami we both went to the beach for a little while, and there were thunderstorms on our left on our right and behind us, just not in front of us, I think they have a weather machine, no other explanation for this. travelled from miami to chicago, worst experience ever, american airlines sucks, never again, they didn't have the plain and flight attendant in time so had to wait 3 hours for that, then we got in the plain and the weather was to bad so had to wait again. then when we arrived in Atlanta for our transfer, we were 5 min too late for the next plain, had to sleep in atlanta, they didn't want to pay for the hotel because they said it was because of bad weather and they don't pay for that. but the hotel was awesome, there was a toddler miss show but we were too late for that, but still awesome. than we secretly didn't pay for the hotel, they forgot to charge us, so that was nice. got into the plain to chicago the next morning, so ok. Day 23: arrived in Chicago, really sucked again because our hostel canceled our reservation because we were too late because of the stupid delayed plains, had to find an other one, luckily we managed to do that. Anyway, chicago, an awesome city, visited some highlights, Willis tower was the best one! really nice view, just lot of people. and we found out it was the weekend of the air & water shows, that's why it was so busy in town, we should have known. Day 24: wanted to go to the beach but the weather sucked, so we didn't. Day 25: travelled from chicago to NYC, and yes again lots delays but we arrived somehow. Day 26: Today: noud just left, i'm all alone sitting in my room that is 2 square meters, but finally some rest my feet are death, and I am tired, tomorrow i'm flying to San Francisco for my last 3 days of travel.

So, I'm done for now, probably there is a lot of bad english in this piece of writing, but I have to learn and I'm too tired to re-read it to check for wrong things. So enjoy my story.

PS. Voor degene die geen engels kunnen: google.nl/translate

Love you, bye for now

Karlijn (I'm calling myself Caroline around here, those stupid americans can't say Karlijn :P)

Recente Reisverslagen:

20 Augustus 2014

East coast travel


Actief sinds 20 Aug. 2014
Verslag gelezen: 947
Totaal aantal bezoekers 2084

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25 Juli 2014 - 19 Augustus 2014

East coast

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